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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the acceptance rate of the KES Journal?
23.6% of the papers submitted during 2010 were published.
24.5% of the papers submitted during 2009 were published.

What is the impact factor (Thomson Reuters Journal Citation Reports) of the KES Journal?
The KES Journal is indexed in Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) but not in Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) and currently Elsevier does not calculate or publish its impact factor.

How can I help get the KES Journal included in SCIE?
Thomson Reuter is a commercial company and does things for its own reasons. It is not always clear why some publication that have been in print for many years are not included, while others that have only recently appeared are included.
You can help to influence them to include the KES Journal by:
- Writing to them
- Citing KES Journal papers in your other publications

How long does the review process take?
Each paper is sent to at least two reviewers for refereeing. We endeavour to inform authors of the result of the review process in six months. However, we are unable to guarantee how long it will take them to do this. Poor papers, or those on obscure subjects, may take longer to review than normal. It is not uncommon for papers submitted to any journal to a year or longer to be published.

What can I do to help speed the review process?
Papers that are of a high standard, written in good English, that do not require many comments, are quicker to review than those requiring extensive changes. Therefore, ensure your paper is of a high technical standard, free from errors and typos, and have it checked before submission by a native English speaker.

What can I do to improve the chance of my paper being accepted
Ensure the paper :-
- is relevant to the Journal and within its scope
- is of a high technical standard
- is written in excellent English and free from errors
- cites several papers alreay published in the KES Journal.

What is the publication charge for having a paper published in the KES Journal?
There is no publication charge.

Many thanks for your support for the Journal!

KES Journal